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Webinar-UltraTech Cement & ICI-2023

  Webinar Attended with UltraTech Cement & ICI during Jan to Jun 2023.
Certificates of Participation:
Jan 2023 14th / 21st / 28th / Feb 2023 04th / 18th / 25th /Mar 2023 04th / 11th / 18th / April 2023: 01st / 08th / 15th / 22nd / 29th / May 2023 06th / 13th / 20th / 27th / June 2023 03rd / 10th / 17th / 24th / July 2023 01st / 08th / 15th .

Webinar-Indian Management(AIMS)-2023

  Attended Webinar organised by Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) Jan to Jun 2023.
Certificates of Participation:
Jan 2023 18th / 20th / 25th / 27th / Feb 2023: 01st / 10th / 15th / 17th / 22nd / 24th / Mar 2023: 01st / 03 / 15th / Apr 2023: 05th / 07th / 12th / 19th / 21st / 26th / 28th. May 2023: 03rd / 05th / 10th / 12th / 17th / 19th / 24th / 26th. Jun 2023: 02nd / 07th / 09th / 14th / 16th / 21st / 23rd / 30th Jul 2023: 05th / 07th / 14th / 19th / 21st / 26th / 28th.


 Certificates from Imperial Society of Innovation Engineers India
[Jan-Dec 2020]-ISIEINDIA : April 2020-28th
[Jan 2022- Dec 2022]:-ISIEINDIA : Jul 2022:27th / Aug 202210th
[Jan 2023- Jun 2023]:-ISIEINDIA : Jan 2023:16th :: Apr 2023:08th / 15th :: May 2023: 06th / 13th / 20th. / 27th :: Jun 2023: 3rd / 10th / 24th.
[Jul 2023- Dec 2023]:-ISIEINDIA : Jul 2023:01st / 08th / 14th / 22nd / 28th / 29-30th.

Certificates Recognitions:Jan-Jun-2023

  Certificates secured by Prof. Bharat Raj Singh from Jan to Jun 2023.
Certificate of Participations, Recognitions & Excellence:
Jan 2023 09 / 13(1) / 13(2) / 16 / 18(1) / 18(2) / 24 /
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan : April 2023- BRS 07th / SMS: 07th

Himalyan Icemelt-01 Jan 2023

 "Melting of Artic Sea & Himalyan Glacier become a cause of Snow Cyclone in USA and Coldwaves in India": mentioned by Prof. (Dr.) Bharatraj Singh, Environmentalist & Director General (Technical), School of Management Sciences, Lucknow . He told that Disasterous winter Bomb cyclone in USA has left millions without power since December 22, 2022, and canceled all their vacation plans. Power outages darkened more than 1.4 million homes and businesses, while thousands of US flights were cancelled. India, surrounded by sea on three sides and Himalayan mountains on the fourth side, can also be badly affected by heavy cold wave, destructive and high speed storms. Snow falls near the Himalayan glacier region; there can be huge loss of livelihood. Hills and icy rocks will keep breaking and falling into the creeks.
Print Media:
1st Jan 2023 i). Bareily Ki Awaaj Page-09 / ii). Shaurya Keshari Page-05 / iii). The Sword of India Page-02 / 2nd Dec 2023: iv). Ujjwal Prabhat Pdf / v). Bholenath Times Page-07 / vi). Daily News Activist Page-06 / Podcast Hindi / Gujrati / Punjabi .

Torch of Hope- 02 Jan 2023

  First Roof Top Solar Power -installed at Lucknow and a saving formula with environmental protection is advocated by Prof. Bharat Raj Singh, Director General & Environmentalist, School of Management Sciences, Lucknow.
Print Media:
02nd Jan 2023: (i). Amar Ujala myCity Page-03 / Podcast Eng / Hin.

Global Recognition 09 Jan 2023

  Global Recognition by Elsevier, MD, Ms Laura Hassink-2022 -Prof. Bharat Raj Singh, Director General & Environmentalist, School of Management Sciences, Lucknow has been recognised and given THank You on 9 Jan 2023 for Volunteering peer reviewing papers as an expert reviewer.
Print Media:
09 Jan 2023: Certificate of Recognition

Joshimath Shinking- 10 Jan 2023

  Most famous and Holy place to Badrinath Dham- Joshimath -is shinking and most of the building and important roads are getting crack. It is every day cracks are widening and place is declared most unsafe place and around 700 home and Hotels are being evacuated. Prof. Bharat raj Singh has already forecasted the happening in his Global warming Book-2015. Read the desosterous reasons for this....
Print Media:
10 Jan 2023: (i). Aap Ki Khabar pdf / 11 Jan 2023: (ii). Ghoomta Aiyana pdf / (iii). Ujjwal Prabhat pdf / (iv). Desh Ki Upasana Page-02 / 12 Jan 2023: (v). Bareily Ki Aawaj Page-7 / (vi). Readers Messenger Page-4 / (vii). Aaj Dainik Page-10 / 13 Jan 2013 (viii). Daily News Activist Page-6 / 15 Jan 2013 (ix). Rashtriya Sahara Page-11.
Poscasts-i).13 Jan 2023: Daily News Activist / ii).15 Jan 2023 : Rastriya Sahara.

Republic Day by Viram-5 Jankalyan

  Viram-5 Gomtinagar Jankalyan Mahasamiti -celebrated Flag Hoisting ceremony on the auspecious 74th Republic Day of India on 26th Jan 2023. Dr. Bharat Raj Singh, Gorakh Prasad Nishad, former Animal Husbandry Minister, Umesh Chand Tiwari, retired IAS, Rakesh Jaitley, Anand Prakash, S.B.L. Mehrotra, Seth S.N. Tandon ex-judge, Rakesh Nishad etc. were participated in the fuinction at Vasanti Park at 12:20 Noon.
Print Media:
27 Jan 2023: (i). Ghumata Aiyana pdf / 28 Jan 2023: (ii). Daily News Activist Page-9 / (iii). Bholenath Times SMS Page-5 / (iv). Bholenath Times Viram-5 Page-05 / (v). Rashtriya Sahara Page-5 / (vi). Desh Ki Upasana Page-1.

Air-O-Bike in Manufacturing-27 Jan 2023

  Petrol & Diesel Bye-Bye: Air -O - Bike in Manufacturing -Swatanra Prabhat editor interviewed Prof. Bharat Raj Singh, DG, SMS on 27th Jan 2023, who told that it is in process of developmewnt by a Gujrat State Industrialist Mr. Dhanji Bhai Patel, Makson, Surendra Nagar, Gujrat and likely to come soon in the market.
Print Media:28 Jan 2023: (i). Swatantra Parbhat Page-01 / (ii). First Editor Page-02.
Video : Air-O-Bike.

Importance of JANEU-03 Feb 2023

  Vedic Science Centre, SMS -Incharge - Prof. Bharat Raj Singh, DG, SMS on 27th Jan 2023, told the Importance of UPNAYAN SANSKAR & Scientific benefits of JANEU to Sahara Editor.Read the article........
Print Media:02 Feb 2023: (i). Ghumta Aiyana Pdf / 03 Feb 2023: (ii). Rashtriya Sahara Page-02 / (iii). Saurya Keshari Page-03 / (iv). Desh Ki Upasana Page-02 / (v). Bareily Ki Aavaj Page-05 / (vi). Prahari News Pdf / 04 Feb 2023 (vii). Swatantra Prabhat Page-10 / 05 Feb 2023 (viii). Bholenath Times Page-03.

SMS organized Principal Conclave-2023

  A principal conclave 2023 – Challenges in implementation was organized on 04th February, 2023 at School of Management Sciences, Lucknow - Shri Bhagwati Singh Joint Director Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, Lucknow was Chief Guest, Dr Manorama Singh Sri. Regional Director IGNOU, Lucknow and Dr Saurabh Malviya State In-charge of Happiness Curriculum Basic Education Department was the keynote speaker. Mr. Sharad Singh, CEO & Secretary, SMS Lucknow and Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Mehrotra, Director, Prof. (Dr.) Bharat Raj Singh DG (Technical), Prof. (Dr.) Dharmendra Singh Associate Director, SMS Lucknow and more than hundred principals of different schools / colleges of Lucknow and nearby districts and including faculty of SMS Lucknow participated in the conclave.
Print Media:04 Feb 2023: (i). Ghumta Aiyana Pdf / 05 Feb 2023: (ii). Swatantra Prabhat Page-01 / (iii). Bholenath Times Page-02 / (iv). Daily News Activist Page-02 / (v). Rashtriya Sahara Page-05 / 06 Feb 2023: (vi). First Editor Page-05 / (vii). Vishwa Varta Page-03.

Turkey Disasterous Earthquake-2023

  Disasreous earthquake in Turkey, Syria: Where did it hit and why was it so deadly? - Read the complete reason and status of death as 24,000 and 72,000 injured due to this the Earth Quake by Prof. Bharat Raj Singh, Environmentalist and Director General (Technology), School of Managemnet Sciences, Lucknow.
Print Media:11 Feb 2023: (i). Ghumta Aiyana Pdf / (ii). News8 Uttar Pradesh Pdf / (iii). Aap Ki Khabar Pdf / 12 Feb 2023: (iv). Vaicharik Toofan Page-02 / (v). Readers Messenger Page-04 / (vi). Swatantra Prabhat Page-03 / (vii). Bareilly Ki Awaj Page-07 / ? 13 Feb 2023 (viii). Bholenath Times Page-04 / (ix). Prahari News Pdf / 14 Feb 2023 (x). Daily News Activist Page-06 .

Lulu Book: Yog Vigyaan-Feb 2023

  Book-Yog Vigyaan- Mudra, Bandh & Chakro Ka Prabhav (Hindi)- is under publication in February 2023- ISBN: 978-1-329-61385-0 ; from Lulu Press Inc., 627,Davis Drive, Suite 300, Morrisville, NC 27560, USA. The book is written in Hindi Edition by Dr. Bharat Raj Singh, Shri Satish Kumar Singh and Dr CM Dwivedi,
Covers: Front: 1 / Back: 2 / Download: Text- Book-Yog Vigyaan(Hindi)

Scientific Imp_ce of Maha Shivratri-2023

  Maha Shiv Ratri Festival & its Scientific values-18 Feb 2023 - Mahashivaratri is an important festival of Hindus, which is celebrated every year on the thirteenth / Chaturdashi of Krishna Paksha of Falgun month. According to the English calendar, this date falls in February or March every year. It is believed that Lord Bholenath appeared in the form of Kaleshwar at midnight on this day at the beginning of creation, but it has its Scientific values said by Prof. Bharat Raj Singh, Director General (Technology), & Chairman, Vedic Science Centre, School of Managemnet Sciences, Lucknow.
Print Media:18 Feb 2023: (i). Ghumta Aiyana Pdf / (ii). Prahari News Pdf / (iii). Readers Messenger Page-04 / (iv). Bholenath Times Page-04 / (v). Swatantra Prabhat Page-08 / (vi). Rashtriya Sahara Page-08.

India Likely to Face Earthquake-2023

  India Likely to face High Richter Earthquake-22 Feb 2023 - It is predicted by Indian Geologist and Dr. Bharat Raj Singh, Environmentalist & DG (Tech), School of Management Sciences, Lucknow tha Indian Titonic Plate may cause disasterous Earth Quake.
Print Media:22 Feb 2023: (i). Ghumta Aiyana Pdf / 23 Feb 2023 (ii). Desh Ki Upasana Page-02 / (iii).Swatanra Prabhat Page-08 / (iv).Bholenath Times Page-04 / (v). Amar Ujala Page-10.

National Conference-SDG9-2023

  Two Days National Conference Organised on SDG9-24-25 Feb 2023 - at Schoolof Managem,ent Sciences,Lucknow.About 100 papers were rtecieved and 62 papers were predsented. On inagural day 24th Feb,Prof.NB Singh,VC,KMC Language University was Chieg Guest, Padma Shri Dr. Rajanikant,GI Awardee, Varanasi & Mr. RK Mathur, LMA were Guest of Honour and Dr. SK Singh, IIM was Keynote Speaker. Mr. Sharad Singh, Secry & CEO, Welcome the Guests and Dr. Manoj Mehrotra adressed the welcome speech and Dr. Bharat Raj Singh, DG (Tech), proposed the vote odf thanks.Planery session was conducted, Prof. Ashok Kumar, Gopal Singh University, Dr. Vidya Sagar, Skill Development Consultant, Dr. Parvesh Singh and Dr. Handa adrdressed the gathering on the importance of SDG. Technical Session-I was conducted.On Second day Technical session-II was conducted and Valadictory session held at 3:00 PM-4: 15 PM. Prof. Rana Singh, Director, MP Institute was Chief Guest, Dr. Dheraj Mehrotra was Guest of Honour and Handicraft Regional Director was Speaker. The Seminar was ended with felicitation to few Alumni and Prizes were distributed to Top 2- papers of Students and 2- Faculty members. Vote of Thanks was p[roposed by Dr. Ashish Bhatnagar, Convenor of Seminar.
Print Media:26 Feb 2023: (i).Desh Ki Upasana Page-02 / (ii).Swatanra Prabhat Page-01 / (iii).Bholenath Times Page-03 / (iv). Daily News Activist Page-02 / (v). Dainik Jagran Page-08.

IEI-A Tech Talk on Millet-2023

  A Technical talk on Millet - organised by Institution of Engineers(I), UP State Lucknow on 26 Feb 2023 and delivered by Millet Man of India Dr. Khadar Vali at 4:00 PM-7:30 PM and Prof. Bharat Raj Singh participated & presented the momento to him.
Print Media:27 Feb 2023: (i).Amar Ujala myCity Page-III / (ii).Rashtriya sahar Page-02 / (iii).Hindustan Hin Page-04.
Photos:26 Feb 2023: 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13.

National Science Day-2023 on RADIO

  National Science Day-2023 -was organised and an Interview taken by Anchor RJ Rani with Prof. Bharat Raj Singh was aired on KGMU 89.6 MHZ Goonj on 28th Deb 2023 at 3:00 to 4:00 PM.
Video:28 Feb 2023: Aired NSD-2023.

National Science Day 28 Feb 2023

  National Science Day-2023 at School of Management Sciences -was celebrated on 28 Feb 2023 at 3:30 PM. On the National Science Day-2023, an insightful lecture on Global Science to Global Wellbeing was delivered by Dr.Bharat Raj Singh, Director General (Tech). Mr. Sharad Singh, Secretary & CEO SMS told all the teachers, officers and employees that Sir C.V. Raman's dedication and innovation increased the respect of India, in the same direction all of you should also raise the institute to heights. Director Dr. Manoj Mehrotra congratulated everyone and Dr. Dharmendra Singh, Co-Director congratulated every one and Dr. P.K. Singh proposed vote of thanks. On this occasion, Dr. Hemant Singh, Dean-Engg, Dr. Amarjeet Singh, HOD, Mr. Sunit Mishra, Mr. Urooj Samim, Dr. Ved Prakash, Dr. Shrikhala Srivastava, and many teachers, officers and employees were present.
Print Media:04 Mar 2023:(i).Ghoomta Aiyana PDF / (ii).Bholenath Times Page-06 / (iii).Swatantra Prabhat Page-08.

Res Person-IIA Seminar on 03 Mar 2023

  India Solar & E-Vehicle Expo & National Seminar Business Opportunities in Electric Vehicle Sector was organised by Indian Industries Association (IIA), Lucknow on 02-04 Mar 2023. Prof. Bharat Raj Singh, DG(Tech), School of Management Sciences, Lucknow delivered Keynote lecture on "Electric Vehicles: Current Technology and Future advancement". Shri Tariq Hassan Naqvi, Chairman, Electric Vehicle, Uttar-Pradesh welcome Dr. Singh by presenting Buket and Momento. Shri PK Sood, Chairman, Regnant Energy Solutions also address the gathering and delegates and participants.
Invitation, Schedule & Momento: Resourse Person Invitation / Programme Schedule / Momento
Photos:03 Mar 2023: 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21.
Print Media : 05 Mar 2023 i).Ghoomta Aiyna PDF / ii).Swatantra Prabhat Page 4 / iii). Prahari News PDF / 06 Mar 2023: iv). Aaj kI Khabar PDF / v). Bholenath Times Page-03 / vi). Desh Ki Upashana Page-02 / 07 Mar 2023: vii). The Sword of India Page-02 / viii). Saurya Keshari Page-03 .

Prediction of Indian scientist:10Mar2023

  The prediction of this Indian scientist proved to be true, United State of America included his article in their high school curriculum Dr. Bharat Raj Singh did lot of researches on global warming and climate change, had predicted 12 years before today that due to global warming, a lot of ice is melting in the North Pole and in the coming ten years, snow storms will come in many places in America. And ten to twelve feet of snow would get accumulated on the roads and everything would stop.In a conversation with Total News, Dr. Bharat Raj Singh told that the Himalayas are the third largest glacier in the world after the North Pole and the South Pole, and due to global warming, a Himalayan glacier broke in 2013, causing a major disaster in Kedarnath. India should not build more roads and tunnels and dams in the Himalayan region, otherwise it may one day cause great devastation in the whole of North India due to the eruption of Himalayan glaciers.Recently, the real reason for the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria, Dr. Singh believes that due to global warming, the glaciers of North Pole and South Pole are bursting.
Video : 10 Mar 2023 You Tube.

40Km in Rs.5 by Airbike: 10 Mar 2023

  Air-O-Bike travel 40 Kilometers for 5 Rupees. Students of School of Management Sciences have made an air powered bike named: Air-O-Buke with the Technical guidance of Prof.Bharat Raj Singh, Director General (Tech) and inspiration of Secretary & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Shri Sharad Singh. You can now take complete report of Total Samachar, Editor Alok Pathak and Rahul Tiwari who run the bike on 10th March 2023 and took clips.
Patent granted on:28 July 2020: PDF / Air Bike Write Up: doc / PDF
Video Clips on: i). Twitter / (ii). YouTube .
Print Media : 12 Mar 2023 i).Ghoomta Aiyna PDF / ii). Prahari News PDF / 13 Mar 2023: iii).Swatantra Prabhat Page-03 / 14 Mar 2023: iv).Daily News Activist Page-03 / 15 Mar 2023: v).Desh Ki Upasana Page-03 / 16 Mar 2023: vi).Bareilly Ki Awaj Page-05 / vii).The Sword of India Page-02 .

National Seminar-SPEEDS-2022-23

  One Day National Seminar on Sources of Planet Energy EnvironmentandDisaster Science: Impacts of Glacier Melting and Climate Change - organised by The Institution of Engineers(I), UP State Lucknow, School of Management Sciences,Lucknow and supported by MNNIT Alumni Associations,Lucknow Chapter,at IEI, on 26 March 2023. Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Mehrotra, Director, SMS Lucknow and Er.RK Trivedi,Imm.Past Charman,IEI,Lucknow welcomed the guests, delegates & audience respectively. Dr. Bharat Raj Singh, Director General (Technical) SMS Lucknow threw light on the topic of the seminar in front of the audience and urged on the dangers of climate change. Shri R.K.Singh, Technical Adviser, UP Pollution Control Board, Chief Guest emphasized on the importance of each and every word chosen as the theme of the seminar and advised to change the lifestyle, which may be the solution of current issue. Guest of Honour Dr. Jyostana Singh told about the importance of renewable energy, while Dr. P.K.Bharti emphasized on the importance of using technical know-how of solar energy.In the technical sessions, Dr. Suresh Chandra Bajpayee and Dr. Venkatesh Dutta, Prof. B.B.A.U. gave special informations on the subject of renewable energy and water harvesting respectively and also conducted the sessions smoothly.he valedictory session was presided over by Dr. Usha Bajpai, former Professor, Center of Renewable Energy and Research, Lucknow University and Shri B.C. Roy. President MNNIT Alumni Association, Lucknow Chapter and Prof. Ashok Kumar Tiwari, General Secretary, MNNIT Alumni Association Lucknow welcomed the guests & vote of thanks extended by Dr. Dharmendra Singh, Associate Director, SMS.On this occasion Dr. Jagdish Singh, C.G.M., Dr. Ashish Bhatnagar, Principal LU Courses, Dr. V.B.Singh, Joint Director, Mr. Surendra Srivastava, General Manager, SMS, Lucknow were also present.
Print Media:27 March 2023: (i).Nav Bharat Times Page-02 / (ii).Rashtriya sahara Page-07 / (iii).DainikJagran Jagran City-Page-01 / iv).Desh KiUpasana Page-02 / v).Shaurya Keshari Page-03 / 28 Mar 2023: vi).Swatantra Prabhat Page-04 / vii).Daily News Activist Page-02 / 29 March 2023: viii).The Sword of India Page-02 .
Electronic Media:27 March 2023: (i).Ghumta Aiyana PDF / (ii).Lucknow Tribuke PDF / (iii).Prhari News PDF / iv).Dainik India News PDF .
Photos:26 Mar 2023: 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / Water Women: 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21.

Book-Yog Vigyan Released-2023

  4th Book on Yoga (Yog Vigyan) Released - at The Institution of Engineers(I), UP State Lucknow,during one day seminar SPEEDS-2023 organised by School of Management Sciences,Lucknow and supported by MNNIT Alumni Associations,Lucknow Chapter. Renowned academician Dr. Bharat Raj Singh's fourth book on spirituality 'Yog Vigyan' was released. The co-authors of this book, SMS Chairman Shri Satish Kumar Singh and Dr. Chandra Mauli Dwivedi mentioned their respective spiritual knowledge. On this occasion, Dr. RK Singh, Dr. Jyotsna Singh, Dr. PK Bharti, Prof. Manoj Mehrotra, Dr. Dharmendra Singh and Dr. Jaswant Singh were also present.
Print Media:05 April 2023: (i).Ghumta Aiyana PDF / ii).Desh Ki Upasana Page-02 06 Apr 2023 iii).Prahari News PDF / (iV).Saurya Keshari Page-03 / (v).Bareilly Ki Awaj Page-05 / vi). The Sword of India Page-03 / (vii). Rashtriya Yuva Vahini Page-03 / (viii).Bholenath Times Page-03 / (ix).Daily News Activist Page-02 / (x).Nav Bharat Times Page-06 / 07 Apr 2023: (xi).Readers Messengers Page-03 / (xii). Aaj Page-04 / (xiii). Rashtriya Sahara Page-05.

SMS-Entrepreneur Alumni Meet-2023

  SMS Alumni Meet Organised at Lucknow on 08 April 2023: - some successful entrepreneurial alumni came forward for various developmental activities they are performing and social challenges, which can be implemented in the future. The program began with the welcome address of Dr. Dharmendra Singh, Associate-Director. Dr. Singh spoke about the objectives of the meet.CEO, Shri Sharad Singh, Director, Dr. M. Mehrotra and Director General (Tech), Dr. Bharat Raj Singh also address the audience and said that the enterprising students of SMS are promoting this institution in the country and abroad. We foster relationships with our alumni to create strong connections, collaborations and share their experiences with the next generation. Dr. P.K. Singh, Dean, Student Welfare, proposed the vote of thanks
Photos: [1] / [2] / [3] / [4] / [5] / [6] / [7] / [8] / [9] .
Print Media:08 April 2023: (i).Ghumta Aiyana PDF / 09 April 2023: ii).Today India News24 PDF / (iii). Bareilly Ki Awaj Page-07 / iv).The Sword of India Page-02 / (V).Saurya Keshari Page-03 / (vi).Bholenath Times Page-03 / vii). First Editor Page-01 / (viii).Lucknow Tribune PDF / ix). Aaj Dainik Page-04 / (x).Daily News Activist Page-02 / (xi). Rashtriya Sahara Page-05 / 10 April 2023:(xii). Prahari News PDF.

Earth Day-2023 Celebrated at Viram-5

  Viram Khand-5 & SMS celebrated Earth Day on 22 April 2023: - at Vasati Park, Lucknow. Dr. Bharat Raj Singh, Chairman, Viram Khand-5, Jankalyan Samiti and Director General, school of Management Sciences, Lucknow along with other members Rakesh Jaitely, Khand Prabhari, Arun Trivedi, Secretary and Er. SBL Melhotra, Vice Chairman and others met at Vasanti Park and took pledge to preserve nature and promote it amongst resident of Viram Khand and Students and Faculty members of SMS. They also took decision to plant trees, conserve water by reducing its waste and Develop water harvesting etc. etc.
Print Media:
23 April 2023: (i).Ghumta Aiyana PDF / (ii).Total Samachar PDF / 24 April 2023: (iii). Bareilly Ki Awaj Page-02 / iv).The Sword of India Page-02 / (v).Saurya Keshari Page-03 / (vi).Bholenath Times Page-03 / vii). Rashtriy Yuva Vahini Page-03 / (viii).Vaicharik Toofan Page-02 / (ix). Desh Ki Upasana Page-02 / (x). Swatantra Prabhat Page-04 / (xi).Daily News Activist Page-03.

6-Days FDP by SVSD-24 to 29Apr2023

 FDP-Recent Advancement in Renewable Energy Technologies and Systems from 24th to 29th April 2023: - Organized by: Swami Vivekananda School of Diploma (A Unit of Sanaka Educati onal Trust) Malandighi, Durgapur-12. Prof. Bharat Raj Singh, Director General, school of Management Sciences, Lucknow attended the Faculty Development Programme successfully and received Certificate.
29 April 2023: Cert-Prof. Bharat Raj Singh.

Memories of Colour TV Broadcast

 First Colour Picture TV was broadcasted on 25th April 1982: - Dr. Bharat Raj Singh, Director General, school of Management Sciences, Lucknow who was then posted at Allahabad shared his memories as........
"I bought color TV after booking in 1981-82. When TV became colourful, watching color films was a different feeling. When Ramanand Sagar's Ramayana was broadcast, a crowd used to gather on Sunday mornings to watch it in colour. It is a different pleasure to remember those times, it is necessary to share this experience with the new generation -Dr. Singh says".
Print Media:
25 April 2023: (i).Dainik Jagran Jagran City-Page-IV.

State Electricity Advisory Committee-2023

 UP State Electricity Advisory Committee Meeting: -as per AGENDA held on 8th May 2023 at Office of the Chairman, UPERC, Lucknow by Shri RP Singh. About 20-members participated and discussed mainy issues like: hike in Elericity Rates, Installation of 1 lakh remaining meters, Solar Roof Top customers Software upgradation for billing etc. Prof.Bharat Raj Singh, Director General, school of Management Sciences, Lucknow who is one of the member raised the iisue of hike to be differed till detailed report are not submitted. He also said that a roadmap is tobe prepared for installation of 1 lakh meters and upgradation of 3,000 customers netmeters for raising bills.
Print Media:
06 May 2023: i).Hindustan- 3000 solar consumers bill pending Page 06 / 07 May 2023: ii).Hindustan-SAC meeting Page 02.
09 May 2023: i).Amar Ujala Page 04 / ii).Nav Bharat Times Page 02 / iii).Hindustan Page 02 / iv).Daily News Activist Page 02 / v).Rashtriya Sahara Page 10 / vi).Pioneer English Page 03 / vii).Dainik Jagran Page 02 / viii).Hindustan Times Page 03.

National Technology Day-2023

 SMS celebrates 25th National Technology Day-2023 - on 11th May 2023. Secretary & CEO of the Institute, Mr. Sharad Singh described the Pokhran Nuclear Test which was conducted by India on May 11, 1998 as a milestone for the country's strength.Dr. Manoj Mehrotra, Director in his address mentioned that India is now the third most attractive investment destination for technology transactions globally and there has been a lot of progress in the scientific field. Dr. Bharat Raj Singh, Director General (Technical) in his speech said that in the 21st century, India has found its place among the top five countries for space research globally, which definitely shows that India has a strong scientific field and space. In exploration, it has made a mark with its moon missions and Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) making great strides. Along with this, he also highlighted the progress of SMS made in the technological sector from 2008 to 2022. The program was conducted by Dr. Hemant Kumar, Dean-Technical, Welcome address by Dr. Dharmendra Singh Associate-Director and Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. P.K. Singh , Dean-Student Welfare.
12 May 2023: (i).Aapki Ki Khabar Pdf / (ii).Total Samachar PDF / 13 May 2023: (iii).Ghoomta Aiyana Pdf / (iv) Prahari News Pdf / (v). Bareilly Ki Awaj Page-08 / (vi).The Sword of India Page-02 / (vii).Bholenath Times Page-03 / (viii).Vaicharik Toofan Page-02 / (ix). Fast Editor Page-01 / (x). Swatantra Prabhat Page-03 / (xi).Daily News Activist Page-02.

Lulu Book-Yog Darshan (IIed)- 2023

  The IInd Edition of Book-Yog Darshan-2020-2023 -was launched on 24th May 2023. Prof. Bharat Raj Singh, Director General & Environmentalist, School of Management Sciences, Lucknow has edited the book and updated as per the advices of Readers and flow of launguage is also maintained.The Book : Yoga Darshan: How to keep the heart, mind and body healthy? Published: 24th May 2023, Edition: IInd (Revised), ISBN: 978-1-312-51943-5.
Book Details: Covers: Front / Back

World Environment Day-2023

 SMS celebrates World environment Day-2023 - on 5th June 2023. Today, on the occasion of World Environment Day 2023, a seminar and poster competition was organized at the School of Management Sciences, Sultanpur Road, Lucknow.the Secretary and Chief Executive Officer of the college Mr. Sharad Singh explained the need for strict compliance on the plastic ban in India. Director- Dr. Manoj Mehrotra told in his address that in 1972, United States of America assembly decided to celebrate World Environment Day on 5th June. Dr. Bharat Raj Singh, Director General (Technical) in his lecture said that the world today is going through an environmental disaster in which plastic is also bent upon destroying the earth. It definitely shows that no one wants to understand that it takes 4-5 hundred years to 1000 years for plastic to break down. The program was conducted by Madam Sujata Sinha. Faculty-HAS, Welcome address by Dr. Dharmendra Singh Associate-Director and Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. P.K. Singh , Dean-Student Welfare.
Print Media:
05 Jun 2023: (i).Aapki Ki Khabar Pdf / 06 Jun 2023: (ii).Total Samachar PDF / (iii).Ghoomta Aiyana Pdf / (iv).Bholenath Times Page-03 / (v).Readers Messenger Page-10 / (vi). Swatantra Prabhat Page-04 / (vii).Aaj Dainik Page-03 / (viii).Daily News Activist Page-02 / 7 Jun 2023: (ix).Fast Editor Page-04 .

IEI-Centenary & Seminar on 5-Trillion Economy

 IEI celebrates Centenary and organised All India Seminar on Role Engineers in Building 5-Trillion Economy of India- on 10-11 June Day-2023. The function was graced by Hon. Dy.CM, Shri Brajesh Pathaka,as Chief Guest; Chief Secretary, Shri Durga Shankar Mishra as Guest of Honour and Er-in-Chief,PWD, Shri AK Jain, as Keynote Speaker. Er.MUssarat Noor Khan, Chairman, IEI welcomed the Guests and learned audiunce. Er. Hement O. Thakare, Imm. Past National President and Er. VB Singh, Past National Vice President, IEI also address the audiance on this occasion. The Inaugural session was concluded by Hon. Secretary, Dr. Jashwant Singh. Technical Sessions-I, II, were held before and after lunch. Cultural Programme were organised during Evening. It was witnessed by many old Engineers . The cultural programme was organised by DK Srivastav, EC Member, IEI which was followed by dinner.
On 11th June 2023, Technical Session-IIIrd was held at 10:30 AM, and it was Chaired by Er. KP Tripathi. Prof. Bharat Raj Singh presented his paper titled: Uttar Pradesh State Engineers Efforts in Building of Indian 5 Trillion Dollar Economy and told that UP Engineers has potential to add more than one Trillion Economy by year 2027 being a largest State of India, having 23.46 crore popullation. UP haws added many mile stone such as: biggest user of EV Vehicles, highest production units in Mobile sector at Noida. We as UP Engineers build largest Road Infra Structure, Medical Colleges, House to BPL, installation of Roof Top Solar etc. etc. There were 7- speakers in 3rd Technical session.
Print Media:
11 Jun 2023: (i).AaJ Dainik Page 04 / (ii).Nav Bharat Times Page 8 / (iii).Hindustan Page 9 / (iv).Rashtriya Sahara Page-03 / (v).Dainik Jagran Jagarn City Page-III / (vi). Amar Ujala Page-04.
12 Jun 2023: (i). Hindustan Page 04 / (ii). Rashtriya Sahara Page 03 / (iii). Dainik Jagran Jagran City, Page IV

Yoga Week Observed at SMS from 15th June 2023

 A Week's Yoga Training satrted - from 15th June 2023 and will be concluded on 21st June 2023. On the occasion a large number of Faculty members, staff and students were present in the Yoga Session. which was conducted by Prof. Bharat Raj Singh, DG, School of Management Sciences, Lucknow, who is incharge of Vedic Science Centre. Mr. Sharad Singh, Secretary & CEO said that Yoga is beneficail to every one. Welcome address by Dr. Dharmendra Singh Associate-Director and Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. P.K. Singh , Dean-Student Welfare. Dr. Hemant Kumar, Dean-Engg, and a large number of facuty memers, staff and students were participated.
Print Media:
17 Jun 2023: (i).Ghoomta Aiyana Pdf / (ii).Total Samachar PDF / (iii).Prahari News Pdf / (iv).Bholenath Times Page-03 / (v).First Editor Page-06.

GyanVani-Imp. of Yoga in Students Life-18June 2023

  Gyan Vani on Importance of Yoga in Students Life was aired live on 18th June 2023 at 6:00PM, through All India Akash Vani, Lucknow. Prof Bharat Raj Singh discussed on "Importance of Yoga to Students" and explained to listners, what is meaning of Yoga and how they can Perform and what are benefits of Yoga. Listen Radio News: MP3 / MP4.
Photos at Studio:
18 Jun 2023: (i). 01 / (ii). 02 / (iii). 03 / (iv). 04 / (v). 05.

IEI-All India 2-days Seminar on Water Management

 A two-day Technical Seminar on Efficient Water Management, Conservation and Waste Water Treatment and Reuse in irrigation, industries, etc., was organized at The Institution of Engineers (I), River Back Colony, Lucknow. On this occasion, Prof. (Dr.) Shamsher, Vice-Chancellor, HBTU Kanpur, was the Chief Guest. While inaugurating he said that today 50 percent of the rural population is not getting clean drinking water. So we have to build reservoirs and check dams for water conservation. Special Guest Prof. (Dr.) MZ Khan former Vice Chancellor, HBTU told that due to deficiency and excess water, it is dangerous for all of us. Unexpected growth of population is also responsible for water scarcity. Key Note Speaker, Er.Anil Kumar, Chief Engineer and Head of Department, Irrigation Department, expressed his views on the importance of water. Er. VB Singh, Im. National Vice President IEI, said that life is not possible without water and hence we have to reuse the water by purifying it. Welcoming the guests, the Chairman, IEI, Er. Masarat Noor Khan threw light on the importance of water in detail and appreciated the theme of the present conference. Er. DK Srivastava SCC member conducted the seminar very efficiently.
Technical Session-! & II were conducted by Dr. Bharat Raj Singh, Er. KP Tripathi respectively , who gave example of Singapore where 40 percent of its water requirement is met through treated water, which has been targeted to reach 60 percent by the year 2050. Alarge number of engineers were present in the seminar mainly were Prof. Jamir Akhtar Ansari, SK Verma etc. Dr. Jaswant Singh Honorary Secretary concluding the program and extended thanks to all.
Print Media:
18 Jun 2023: (i).Hindustan Page 07 / (ii).Amar Ujala my City Page 5 / (iii).Nav Bharat Times Page 7 / (iv).I-Next Page 2 / (v).Rashtriya Sahara Page-07

Honour Ceremony by UP Loksevak Parivar Mahasamiti

 31-Persons felicitated by UP Loksevak Parivar Mahasamiti- on 18th June 2023 at SKD Schools Gomtinagr.Minister of State for Cooperation (Independent Charge) JPS Rathore said that the field of social service is very vast. But today, if you ask children, they want to become engineers, doctors or officers. Minister of State and Uttar Pradesh Kshatriya Lok Sevak was speaking as the Chief Guest at the felicitation ceremony organized by Parivar Mahasamiti.State President of Lok Sevak Parivar Maha Samiti Baba Hardev Singh was also present. The recipient of Honorwere Police Officer Sulkhan Singh and his father Lakhan Singh, Mother Karuiya Devi, Darga Devi, Gauri Shankar Singh, Prof. Rajendra Singh, Vijay P Singh, Retired High Court Judge Satyendra Singh Chauhan, Dr. Jagdish Singh, Dr. Dhruvsen Singh, Shailendra Kr Singh, Retired PPS officer and many more.
Print Media:
19 Jun 2023: (i).Pioneer Hindi Page-04 / (ii).Amar Ujala my City Page-06 / (iii).Nav Bharat Times Page-04 / (iv).Aaj Page-04 / (v).Rashtriya Sahara Page-07 / (vi).Dainik Jagran Page-05

International Yoga at Viram-5

 Elders observed Yoga Day with enthuasm
Print Media:
22 Jun 2023: (i).Ghoomta Aiyana PDF / (ii).Aap Ki Awaj JPG / (iii).Prahari News PDF / (iv). Bholanath Times Page-05 / (v). First Editor Page 5

SMS-International Yoga Observed on 21 June 2023

 SMS observed International Yoga Day at Campus & Viram-5
Print Media:
22 Jun 2023: (i).Ghoomta Aiyana PDF / (ii).Prahari News PDF / (iii). Bholanath Times Page-05 / (iv).Daily News Activist Page-02 / (v). First Editor Page 5

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